OrientDB Manual


This command creates a new Edge into the database. Edges, together with Vertices, are the main components of a Graph. OrientDB supports polymorphism on edges. The base class is "E" (before 1.4 was called "OGraphEdge"). Look also how to Create Vertex.


CREATE EDGE <class> [CLUSTER <cluster>] FROM <rid>|(<query>)|[<rid>]* TO <rid>|(<query>)|[<rid>]*
                    [SET <field> = <expression>[,]*]|CONTENT {<JSON>}
                    [RETRY <retry> [WAIT <pauseBetweenRetriesInMs]]


  • class, is the Edge's class name, or "E" if you don't use sub-types
  • cluster, is the cluster name where to physically store the edge
  • JSON, is the JSON content to set as record content, instead of field by field
  • retry, is the number of retries in case of conflict (optimistic approach)
  • pauseBetweenRetriesInMs, are the milliseconds of delay between retries

History and compatibility

  • 1.1: first version
  • 1.2: the support for query and collection of RIDs in FROM/TO
  • starting from v.1.4 the command uses the Blueprints API under the hood, so if you're working in Java using the OGraphDatabase API you could experience in some difference how edges are managed. To force the command to work with the "old" API change the GraphDB settings described in Graph backward compatibility


Create a new edge between two vertices of the base class 'E', namely OGraphEdge

create edge from #10:3 to #11:4

Create a new edge type and a new edge of the new type

create class E1 extends E
create edge E1 from #10:3 to #11:4

Create a new edge in a particular cluster

create edge E1 cluster EuropeEdges from #10:3 to #11:4

Create a new edge setting properties

create edge from #10:3 to #11:4 set brand = 'fiat'

Create a new edge of type E1 setting properties

create edge E1 from #10:3 to #11:4 set brand = 'fiat', name = 'wow'

Create new edges of type Watched between all the action Movies and me using sub-queries

create edge Watched from (select from account where name = 'Luca') to (select from movies where type.name = 'action')

Create an edge with JSON content

create edge E from #22:33 to #22:55 content { "name" : "Jay", "surname" : "Miner" }

To know more about other SQL commands look at SQL commands.