OrientDB Manual

Graph Factory

TinkerPop Blueprints standard doesn’t define a proper "Factory" to get graph instances. For this reason OrientDB users that wanted to use a pool of instances had to mix 2 different API: Graph and Document one. Example:

ODatabaseDocumentPool pool = new ODatabaseDocumentPool("plocal:/temp/mydb");
OrientGraph g = new OrientGraph(pool.acquire());

NOTE: You could also use a OGraphDatabase instance in place of ODatabaseDocumentPool, but this API has been deprecated since a long time and will be removed in v1.7.

Now everything is simpler, thanks to the new OrientGraphFactory class to manage graphs in easy way (Issue #1971). These are the main features:

  • by default acts as a factory by creating new database instances every time
  • can be configured to work as a pool, by recycling database instances
  • if the database doesn’t exist, it’s created automatically (but in "remote" mode)
  • returns transactional and non-transactional instances

This is the basic way to create the factory, by using the default "admin" user (with "admin" password by default):

OrientGraphFactory factory = new OrientGraphFactory("plocal:/temp/mydb");

But you can also pass user and password:

OrientGraphFactory factory = new OrientGraphFactory("plocal:/temp/mydb", "jayminer", "amigarocks");

To work with a recyclable pool of instances with minimum 1, maximum 10 instances:

OrientGraphFactory factory = new OrientGraphFactory("plocal:/temp/mydb").setupPool(1, 10);

Once the factory is configured you can get a Graph instance to start working. OrientGraphFactory has 2 methods to retrieve a Transactional and Non-Transactional instance:

OrientGraph txGraph = factory.getTx();
OrientGraphNoTx noTxGraph = factory.getNoTx();

Or again you can configure in the factory the instances you want and use the get() method everytime:

OrientGraphNoTx noTxGraph = (OrientGraphNoTx) factory.get();

Once finished to free all the resources (in case of pool usage), call the close():
