OrientDB Manual


Creates a new database.


create database <database-url> [<user> <password> <storage-type> [<db-type>]]


  • database-url The url of the database to create in the format '<mode>:<path>'
  • user on remote database is the Server's administrator name
  • password on remote database is the Server's administrator password
  • storage-type The type of the storage between 'plocal' for disk-based database and 'memory' for in memory only database. Look at Storage types.
  • db-type Optional, is the database type between "graph" (the default) and "document"

See also

Example: create a local database

> create database plocal:/usr/local/orient/databases/demo/demo

Creating database [plocal:/usr/local/orient/databases/demo/demo]...
Connecting to database [plocal:/usr/local/orient/databases/demo/demo]...OK
Database created successfully.

Current database is: plocal:/usr/local/orient/databases/demo/demo

Example: create a remote database

> create database remote:localhost/trick root E30DD873203AAA245952278B4306D94E423CF91D569881B7CAD7D0B6D1A20CE9 plocal

Creating database [remote:localhost/trick ]...
Connecting to database [remote:localhost/trick ]...OK
Database created successfully.

Current database is: remote:localhost/trick

Create a static database into the server configuration

To create a static database to use it from the server look at: Server pre-configured storages.

This is a command of the Orient console. To know all the commands go to Console-Commands.